With many salons and businesses expanding and employing new team members, it is vital that everyone in the business has a baseline knowledge of the Eve Taylor London range to ensure they can advise clients when therapists are not available.

Whether you have a receptionist or hairdresser in the business, this course has been created for them to gain a knowledge of the naturally beautiful Eve Taylor retail product range, so they can recommend homecare to clients, increasing revenue to the business.

Who is this course for?
– Receptionists.
– Hairdressers.
– New starters.
– Apprentices.

The course covers:
– Retail skincare products and sizes available.
– Who to recommend key products to.
– 1-2 key ingredients of each product.
– Frequency of use.
– Top tips.

At the end of each section is a simple multiple-choice quiz to reinforce learning. The course will take approximately 1.15 hours to complete and may be worked through at any speed. The system allows the course to be resumed at the point where it was last left off.

The Eve Taylor product brochure should be used by staff to make notes as they work through the course and use it as their immediate guide for referral.

To enrol on the course press here.