The Spa Body treatment is a experience to bring about full body wellbeing using elements of aromatherapy and algotherapy to achieve all round wellbeing.

It may be offered as a 60 minute treatment without massage, or as a 120 minute treating including massage.

Full body treatment techniques differer from therapist to therapist, in this video we show our suggested technique of how to perform this wonderful treatment.

Ensure the treatment couch is set up in layers, allowing you to peel each layer as you progress through each step of the treatment. From the base upwards we recommend the following:
Skirt or Valance on the bed.
Cover with a large towel.
Follow with a spa sheet or foil blanket/sheet.
2 large towels on the couch, one for underneath and one for on top of the client.
Small hand towel folded in 3 lengthways (for bust/modesty).
Pillow or large folded head towel for client comfort (if required).

Disposable underwear for client.
Towelling Mitts (2-3 pairs) for product removal.
2 large bowls of rinsing water.
(first bowl hand hot, second bowl hot).

Dry Body Brush.
Body Massage Oil / Body Serum.
Body wrap (pre-prepared).
Treatment gel.
Spa Body moisturiser.

1. Have client wear disposable underwear, remove all jewellery and obstructive piercings. Bed should be draped with blanket, towels, plastic spa sheet, towels and couch roll on top for client to lie on.
2. Wet mitts in warm water with a few drops of Peppermint/Tea tree Hydrolat added and cleanse hands and feet. Press feet dry with a towel.
3. Exposing one body area at a time, with client lying face down begin dry body brushing on feet, back of legs, buttocks, backs of arms and back.
4. Dispense suitable Exfoliant into hands and apply to the skin. Using light circular movements work over each body area. With steam towels or warm, damp mitts remove scrub mixture and dry each area with towel.
5. Turn client onto back and brush feet, legs, hips, abdomen, decollete area and front of arms.
6. Continue to exfoliate the front of the body removing all traces of product when completed.
7. Apply suitable Body Massage Oil and perfom massage of choice. Alternatively, if body massage is being omitted, just apply suitable Body Serum to the body, askign cleinty to sit up to apply to back.
8. Ensuring spa sheet is in place, apply suitable Body Wrap using the ‘one hand clean, one hand dirty’ method, applying quickly to all parts of the body. Alternatively use 2 body mask brushes and apply in long slow rythmical strokes to assist the relaxation effects. Ensure the client is fully wrapped in the spa sheet, and cover with blanket or towels to keep warm.
9. While Body Wrap is on the skin perform scalp, face or foot massage.
10. After 20-30 minutes reveal one area at a time and remove Body Wrap from legs, abdomen, decollete, arms and back with steam towels or mitts customised with Hydrolat. Ensure all product is removed thoroughly and fold spa sheet in on itself to reduce re-applicaton to clients skin, towelling or to therapists uniform. Remove spa sheet from treatment couch and dispose.
11. Apply Treatment Gel if required to areas of concern and allow to absorb into skin, follow with suitable Spa Body Moisturiser and apply to back, décolleté, arms, abdomen and legs.
12. Perform foot and ankle stretch. Assist the client off the couch and serve a glass of water with a slice of lemon.