Revitalising Eye Massage Technique
The Eve Taylor revitalising eye massage is a highly effective technique focussing on the area surrounding the eyes. It helps to relieve tension often held in this area due to stress.
Tight muscles are soothed and the surrounding skin is smoothed. Toxins are encouraged to drain away making way for fresh nutrients to brighten the area. The technique encourages a healthy, revitalised appearance and can be performed as a stand alone technique or incorporated into any facial massage.
Apply a thin application of Oxygen Response Serum around the eye area, this will give a slight glide on the skin when performing the movements.
1. Temple circles with fingertips x 6.
2. Using ring fingers sweep from temples under eyes to inner socket, pause on the natural indentation on inner eye socket and sweep over brows back to temples x 6.
3. Starting at left temple, roll pat across brows and back to temple, roll pat at outer corner of eye, sweep ring finger across lower lid from inner to outer. Repeat entire movement x 6.
4. Repeat x 6 on right eye.
5. With fingers on temples, sweep ring fingers under eyes to inner socket, press on inner socket with ring, middle and finally index fingers and sweep over brows to temples x 6.
6. Glide thumbs lightly along lower eye socket and pump x 10, another natural indentation is felt on the eye socket.
7. Thumb lift over Corrugator muscle across brows to temples x 6.
8. Spread fingertips above brows and perform stationary circles x 6. Repeat the movement in centre of forehead x 6, Repeat the movement at hairline x 6.
9. Alternate palm stroking over centre of forehead x 6.
10. Temple circles with fingertips x 6.