Retailing 101 Sales Training – Online course
Retailing 101 is a course developed to help therapists improve retail sales by taking an objective look at their business and own skills to identify areas to increase revenue.
The course consists of a sequence of easy to manage videos along with tasks allowing you to break down areas of your business and step back to determine which areas need improvement and how you can set goals to work towards them.
The main content of the course will take approximately 1 hour to complete, however with the additional tasks set out at various points within the course, we do recommend you dedicate plenty of time to work on the tasks objectively and accurately before you proceed to the next stage so you have an honest view of your business and skills – for your own benefit. Our system allows you to resume where you last left off.
The course covers:
– Why we retail.
– What we need to consider when retailing to our clients.
– Common beliefs and assumptions, and how to overcome them.
– What retailing can do for your business.
– Look at potential profit – work smarter not harder.
– Creating objectives and targets.
– Where to start.
– Tools and tips.