Give Back to Nature - Marketing Toolkit

Nature is at the heart of the Eve Taylor London brand in the form of essential oils and botanicals which are derived from plants. In using natures resources we recognise that protecting our environment is vital to ensure future generations can enjoy our beautiful world and the plants within it. In support of ensuring we give something back to our planet we created Give Back to Nature, our environmental initiative in partnership with Trees for the Future. The forest garden By planting specific types of fast-growing trees, fruit trees, hardwoods and food crops in a systematic manner over a four-year period, families can positively change their lives forever and support our environment. At Eve Taylor London, will plant one tree for every retail product sold and have committed to planting at least 100,000 trees each year. To date we have planted over 320,000 trees and still counting. Planting new trees regenerates the land, supports the eco-system of wildlife and insects and combats climate change with each tree offsetting carbon emissions to the equivalent of 26,000 miles of car driving and producing approximately 260 pounds of oxygen per year. Farmers learn to plant rows of environment fixing trees in and along borders of their degraded land to protect the field from pests and stop erosion. But we aren’t just planting trees. We’re changing lives through regenerative agriculture. Farmers learn to plan for their family’s future by discovering how planting 4,000 trees with food crops will help them make more money, grow more food and build a sustainable future. This is good for the farmer and good for the environment – win win! But, we aren’t just planting trees. We’re changing lives through regenerative agriculture. Farmers learn to plan for their family’s future by discovering how planting 4,000 trees with food crops will help them make more money, grow more food and build a sustainable future. Let's get planting and promote the Give Back to Nature environmental initiative with the marketing toolkit, providing content and imagery to show your clients the positive impact they are making every time they buy a product from you. Included in our downloadable toolkit: Social media campaign - pre-written copy with hashtags and images for a 9 post campaign. In-salon tree count - download, print, write on your previous months tree tally and dispaly for clients to see how many trees they have collectively planted. Give back to nature logo - use on your promotional materials to promote the initiative. 1 product = 1 tree logo - use on your promotional materials to communicate how each product purchased has a positive impact.