The Eve Taylor fan masque brush application technique is created to give an effective application of exfoliants or masques whilst relaxing your client with slow flowing movements using the ultra soft Eve Taylor London Fan Masque Brush.

Pre-warm Exfoliant or Masque by dispensing into a small bowl and placing into hot towel cabinet or suitable warming device.

1. Place bowl of Exfoliant or Masque at the side of the client and load both fan masque brushes with product, place both loaded fan masque brushes at centre of neck.
2. Sweep out and across to shoulder area, twist brushes and work up neck, twist brushes and out across jaw.
3. Hold one brush in place at side of jaw and reload second brush with product from bowl. Add product to stationary brush to relaod and continue to sweep out across jaw so both brushes are at outer corners of jaw.
4. Work both brushes up cheeks and sides of nose to centre of forehead, twist brushes and work across forehead to temples, twist brushes and work down across upper cheek area and repeat up sides of nose to centre of forehead.
5. Repeat reloading of brushes as necessary ensuring one brush remain stationary whilst second brush reloads and continue to work around all areas of face to ensure adequate application.